Glen Knight

NYC Based IT Professional

Go Compile-Time Instrumentation Gets a Major Boost: Alibaba, Datadog, and Quesma Join Forces

Quesma, developers, Go, opentelemetry, observability, Splunk, observability, DevOps, Datadog, tools, tool, AI, vFunction, OpenTelemetry, observability, platforms, monitoring, Dora Metrics, DevOps, observability, SRE, challenges, data, data-driven, smart-driven, culture, pipeline, Observability, organizations, Data, - IBM - GitLab - APM - application performance - Instant

Quesma, developers, Go, opentelemetry, observability, Splunk, observability, DevOps, Datadog, tools, tool, AI, vFunction, OpenTelemetry, observability, platforms, monitoring, Dora Metrics, DevOps, observability, SRE, challenges, data, data-driven, smart-driven, culture, pipeline, Observability, organizations, Data, - IBM - GitLab - APM - application performance - InstantThree major tech players, Alibaba, Datadog and Quesma are pooling their expertise to tackle one of the most persistent challenges in the Go ecosystem: Streamlining instrumentation for telemetry collection.

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