Glen Knight

NYC Based IT Professional

Has Splitting Into ‘Inner’ and ‘Outer’ Loops Sent DevOps to the Dark Ages?

software, internal, organizations, platform, platform engineering, model, DaaS, AI assistants, engineers, DevOps, platform engineering, teams, event-driven. architecture, EDA, platform engineering, software,

software, internal, organizations, platform, platform engineering, model, DaaS, AI assistants, engineers, DevOps, platform engineering, teams, event-driven. architecture, EDA, platform engineering, software,The pressure on software delivery leaders is palpable. Innovation is the competitive currency in decelerating markets, while legislation such as DORA and fines for poor business resilience reflect the regulatory scrutiny of software’s role in infrastructure and lives. Continuous improvement in enterprise software delivery is not a ‘nice-to-have’; its alternative is stagnation, negative risk and […]

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