Glen Knight

NYC Based IT Professional

A Serverless Kubernetes? | @CloudEXPO #Serverless #DevOps #Kubernetes

Just announced at Google Next: Knative. Knative provides a set of middleware components that allow you to build container-based applications that can run anywhere: on-premises, in the cloud, or even in a third-party data center.
What’s unique about Knative is the fact that it’s built on a Kubernetes-based framework that provides serverless features. Serverless systems enable developers to focus on writing code without having to worry about building, deploying, and managing an application. Serverless computing, as the name implies, means that users don’t need to deal with the concept of a virtual server, as they do within most public cloud computing systems. You focus on writing the application, and the serverless systems will automatically pick the right configuration, provision the resources, run your code, and return the resources back the way the they came. You don’t provision anything; you only pay for the resources the serverless system uses, and you’re abstracted from the complexity.

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Source: DevOps Journal

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