Glen Knight

NYC Based IT Professional

New: Use AWS CloudFormation StackSets for Multiple Accounts in an AWS Organization

Infrastructure-as-code is the process of managing and creating IT infrastructure through machine-readable text files, such as JSON or YAML definitions or using familiar programming languages, such as Java, Python, or TypeScript. AWS Customers typically uses AWS CloudFormation or the AWS Cloud Development Kit to automate the creation and management of their cloud infrastructure.

CloudFormation StackSets allow you to roll out CloudFormation stacks over multiple AWS accounts and in multiple Regions with just a couple of clicks. When we launched StackSets, grouping accounts was primarily for billing purposes. Since the launch of AWS Organizations, you can centrally manage multiple AWS accounts across diverse business needs including billing, access control, compliance, security and resource sharing.

Use CloudFormation StackSets with Organizations
Today, we are simplifying the use of CloudFormation StackSets for customers managing multiple accounts with AWS Organizations.

You can now centrally orchestrate any AWS CloudFormation enabled service across multiple AWS accounts and regions. For example, you can deploy your centralized AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles, provision Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances or AWS Lambda functions across AWS Regions and accounts in your organization. CloudFormation StackSets simplify the configuration of cross-accounts permissions and allow for automatic creation and deletion of resources when accounts are joining or are removed from your Organization.

You can get started by enabling data sharing between CloudFormation and Organizations from the StackSets console. Once done, you will be able to use StackSets in the Organizations master account to deploy stacks to all accounts in your organization or in specific organizational units (OUs). A new service managed permission model is available with these StackSets. Choosing Service managed permissions allows StackSets to automatically configure the necessary IAM permissions required to deploy your stack to the accounts in your organization.

In addition to setting permissions, CloudFormation StackSets now offers the option for automatically creating or removing your CloudFormation stacks when a new AWS account joins or quits your Organization. You do not need to remember to manually connect to the new account to deploy your common infrastructure or to delete infrastructure when an account is removed from your Organization. When an account leaves the organization, the stack will be removed from the management of StackSets. However, you can choose to either delete or retain the resources managed by the stack.

Lastly, you choose whether to deploy a stack to your entire Organization or just to one or more Organization Units (OU). You also choose a couple of deployment options: how many accounts will be prepared in parallel, and how many failures you tolerate before stopping the entire deployment.

For a full description how StackSets works, you can read the initial blog article from Jeff.

There is no extra cost for using AWS CloudFormation StackSet with AWS Organizations. The integration is available in all AWS Regions where StackSets is available.

— seb

Source: AWS News

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