Glen Knight

NYC Based IT Professional

To Do or Not to Do: Microservices | @CloudEXPO @Wipro #DevOps #AI #IoT #Microservices #DigitalTransformation

As Enterprise business moves from Monoliths to Microservices, adoption and successful implementations of Microservices become more evident. The goal of Microservices is to improve software delivery speed and increase system safety as scale increases. Documenting hurdles and problems for the use of Microservices will help consultants, architects and specialists to avoid repeating the same mistakes and learn how and when to use (or not use) Microservices at the enterprise level. The circumstance when Microservices is an appropriate solution described in this article and based on the authors’ work experiences, best practices available in the Microservices community. However, using Microservices Architecture does not guarantee success to the enterprise.

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Source: DevOps Journal

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