A survey of 879 enterprise developers and architects from Vaadin, a provider of framework for building Java applications, found that, as part of modernization efforts, the pace at which Java applications are moving to the cloud is now accelerating. The survey found more than one-third (36%) of Java applications are already deployed in the public […]
0 CommentsWe often talk about the Pace of Innovation at AWS, and share the results in this blog, in the AWS What’s New page, and in our weekly AWS on Air streams. Today I would like to talk about a slightly different kind of innovation, the kind that happens behind the scenes. Each AWS customer uses […]
0 CommentsQuali today announced enhancements to its Torque automated infrastructure platform to add support for security scans and Open Policy Agent (OPA) software being advanced under the auspices of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). OPA enables organizations to implement cybersecurity policies as code. The challenge many organizations have encountered is that not many developers have […]
0 CommentsThe move to the cloud and microservices has introduced new challenges in managing permissions. Software has been broken down into small, independently-deployable microservices, each with its own unique set of permissions. These permissions make it excruciatingly hard to ensure and track correct access. While this technological shift is challenging, it pales in comparison to the […]
0 CommentsWe here at DevOps.com do sometimes suffer from The Curse of Knowledge. We write about DevOps regularly for an audience that is doing or managing DevOps. We assume knowledge, but there are still a fair number of people and organizations who are unclear about some of the terminology/technology that we talk about. So if you […]
0 CommentsBook Review The Value Flywheel Effect: Power the Future and Accelerate Your Organization to the Modern Cloud by David Anderson with Mark McCann and Michael O’Reilly Recently, a new book came to my attention that explores the intersection of business, technology, and people. This is a great read for anyone who wants to understand how […]
0 CommentsA survey found that modernizing existing Java applications is a higher priority than other projects for 87% of respondents, with more than 80% of these applications expected to be re-engineered over the next five years. The survey polled 450 IT professionals working in organizations in the U.S. and United Kingdom that have more than 500 […]
0 CommentsWhether you are diving into DevOps for the first time or trying to do it right this time, DevOps Onramp provides all the information you need for a successful DevOps journey. Join us on May 4, 2023, to learn how to get started with DevOps—and how to do it right. You’ll learn: DevOps best practices, […]
0 CommentsThis article is part two in a series of three on the rise of platform engineering and its role in improving the developer experience. Read part one here. Developer experience is business-critical in organizations of all sizes and across all industries. In the first article of this series, I make the case that the cloud-native […]
0 CommentsNearly every company wants to evolve its digital transformation and increase the pace of software delivery and operations. And infrastructure automation is a new means to achieve these ends. It supports the emerging discipline of platform engineering and can increase scalability and reactivity to unforeseen events, enabling software ecosystems to be more anti-fragile. Increased infrastructure […]