Whether you’re a pro or new to AI, the right generative AI tools can elevate your projects significantly. Here are the tools you need to know about. Source: DevOps.com
0 CommentsAn analysis of the security automation practices of 130 organizations published by Synopsys suggests significant progress toward securing software supply chains. Source: DevOps.com
0 CommentsGenerative AI is set to benefit the documentation and transformation of legacy code and potentially create new documentation in parallel with new builds. Source: DevOps.com
0 CommentsWhile more and more organizations recognize the benefits of a distributed workforce, it’s not without its challenges. Here’s how to adapt. Source: DevOps.com
0 CommentsVenkat Ramakrishnan talks with Mitch Ashley about platform engineering from Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 2023. Source: DevOps.com
0 CommentsGoogle added a capability for tracking reliability based on how SLOs are being met that is based on a platform developed by Nobl9. Source: DevOps.com
0 CommentsWith new encryption technologies rapidly advancing, developers can ensure their applications are secure. Source: DevOps.com
0 CommentsThe BMC AMI DevX Code Insights tool uses machine learning algorithms to break apart monolithic COBOL mainframe apps into subprograms that are easier to update and refactor. Source: DevOps.com
0 CommentsWhile passkeys can dramatically improve the security and UX of authenticating users to applications, there’s a lot that still rests on the shoulders of developers. Source: DevOps.com