Generative AI, powered by large language models (LLMs), introduces a transformative solution to the challenges of modern observability. Source:
0 CommentsLet’s figure out what AI does well, where it falls short, and whether DevOps professionals should fear it and start re-skilling today. Source:
0 CommentsAWS ECS Anywhere is a game-changing service designed to extend the sophisticated capabilities of AWS containers to virtually any infrastructure, whether it is on-premises, in a corporate data center, or even in a different public cloud environment. Source:
0 CommentsBy setting up a strategy and outlining product and IT requirements, developers need not take shortcuts and security risks. Source:
0 CommentsWhen a culture is unable to understand the details of a situation all that’s left is to create an illusion of simplicity. Source:
0 CommentsThe Erawan Release of a DevSecOps platform provides a set of new and enhanced capabilities to help automate applications security along with integration with Backstage, an open-source internal developer platform originally developed by Spotify that is now being advanced under the auspices of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Source:
0 CommentsPlatform engineering represents the evolution of DevOps into a more structured and service-oriented model, effectively embodying the principles of DevOps-as-a-service. Source: