DevOps teams should consider a number of different strategies to ensure apps remain efficient and portable across various chip architectures. Source:
0 CommentsReversingLabs launched a binary analysis tool that uses machine learning algorithms to identify risks before and after apps are deployed. Source:
0 CommentsThere’s no mistaking the reality of AI’s influence. Across industries, businesses are calling on tech workers to make the most of this transformative technology as demand skyrockets and companies race to overcome the competition. A flagging economy only pushes expectations for AI use—in software especially. To contend with arduous workloads, 92% of developers are already […]
0 CommentsUnder an early access program, ngrok made available an API gateway that can be consumed as a service. Source:
0 CommentsGenerative AI can go so many places that AIOps could never, and provides a general-purpose approach that can be applied in many different ways. Source:
0 CommentsAI will profoundly change the software engineering profession, but those changes will mostly drive inventive and capable developers to greater innovation. Source:
0 CommentsIn an analysis of more than a million applications, Veracode found 42% contained flaws that remained unfixed for longer than a year. Source:
0 CommentsA JumpCloud survey revealed IT pros are excited about the potential positives of AI, but also realize the possible negative security implications. Source:
0 CommentsMany API attacks are effectively zero-day, novel attacks that exploit recent and unique changes to specific APIs. Here’s how to stop them. Source:
0 CommentsDon MacVittie explains we’re in the ‘dream world’ of data – where the cloud-native stack realizes the dream of portable programming. Source: